Guruji K.Sakthi Vinoth
9, Savadi Street, Vaitheeswarankoil - 609117
When a native’s thumb impression is taken, it is given to the reader at the library. To allow simple finding of the bundles, the palm-leaf bundles are categorised and catalogued in the library based on thumb imprint. There would most likely be 5 to 6 bundles for each thumb imprint, with each bundle containing 50 to 100 leaves.
The leaf of a certain individual may be found in the first bundle or in any of the other six bundles.
It is possible that it will not be discovered at times since the prophecies from this sacred scroll are restricted to a small number of souls. As a result, locating this precise leaf is arduous and time-consuming. Because the reader must read one statement from the first leaf and, if confirmed by the native, read the second sentence to confirm its validity. If this statement does not apply to the native, the reader will have to proceed leaf by leaf, bundle by bundle, until he or she finds the one leaf on which all of the Native’s details appear correctly. To speed up the process, the Native must provide his complete cooperation, which means intently listening to the reading and answering properly. This leads in the tracing not just of the leaf but also of the first Kaandam, also known as the General Kaandam, which represents the native’s lagna. The Generalized Kaandam will also provide concise forecasts of the remaining 12 houses of the Native’s birth chart. If comprehensive predictions of any other house are desired, they can be explored in the respective Kaandam provided in the Annexure.
The Rishis demand that the Native be free of the bad effect of all their past born sins in order to obtain the beneficial benefits as offered by this holy book. As a result, the rishis recommend and specify the performance of specific parihaaras (remedies). If these Remedies are performed with complete engagement, the Rishi guarantees that the occurrences foretold by him will occur. These are separated into chapters named Shanthi&Deeksha (No 13 & 14)..
When a Jathaka or client wishes to consult the Naadi, he must contact the centre by phone, in person, or by mail to get a date. He must affirm his arrival or position one day before the given day or the date will be cancelled. At the moment, the waiting list extends up to three months, so if the client is unable to attend for whatever reason, the date can be supplied to the other waiting customers.
The name of the person consulted does not need to be given at the time of getting the date, and up until the time of reading the Naadi, as his name will be told in the prediction itself; however, he can give some other friends or relatives names, or some code names, which are to be remembered when coming for consultation. On the scheduled date, the right or left hand thumb imprint, depending on whether the person is male or female, is to be taken at the centre. The bundles holding the particulars set or thumb impression to which his impression belongs will be traced using this thumb impression
Each bundle may contain forecasts for hundreds of people. A single palm leaf may include forecasts for more than one consumer at times. In some extremely rare situations, one leaf or a collection of leaves may include solely predictions about one person. We usually deliver the genuine palm leaves to the concerned Jathaka in situations of single person forecasts. In other situations, we do not provide consumers with the original leaves. These are eliminated by connecting the leaves to the Cauvery River at regular intervals, as previously stated
We, on the other hand, write the original Tamil forecasts as given in the Naadi in a note book and offer them to the consumers. Then it will be translated into any other language that they choose. There have only been two examples of single leaf forecasts in the previous two years, one in 1998 involving a top IAS officer and the other in May 2000 involving a senior politician, the All India General Secretary of a major ruling party.
They were given the original palm leaves. Similarly, a Japanese consumer who contacted us in 1995 (video page 7) received a distinct leaf (see also the photo in the appendix holding the leaf in his hands). The selection of the specific leaf related to a person is a time intensive procedure that may take 2 to 3 hours at times and consumers would be lucky to acquire it within a reference to 5 or 6 leaves at other times. Every leaf pertaining to a person would contain facts about that person, such as his and his wife’s names, his parents’ names, the number of brothers and sisters, the order of his birth in the family, whether he is the son of the first or second wife, if his father had married twice, and other such definite facts.
These are known as Sakshis, or witnesses. When the facts are read from the leaves, the client should confirm or reject them. However, he should not provide the information ahead of time. If the particulars supplied in a particular do not totally coincide, the next leaf is selected, and the procedure is repeated until the proper leaf, which contains the factual forecasts completely, fits with his family particulars. In many situations, the individuals do not receive their leaves. It indicates that the moment for them to learn about their future has not arrived.
We get new bundles from our Head Office on a regular basis, therefore individuals who did not receive their Naadi in previous efforts may do so later. However, we do not charge any costs if the customer does not discover their or her leaf, regardless of how much time we spend tracing it out. Once the leaves have been traced, we write the original Tamil forecast in the Note Book.
As previously stated, these forecasts are written in poetic Tamil and use code phrases for astrological terminology. Well-trained Asans read and understand them and then explain the forecasts in spoken Tamil. These are then translated into Hindi or English and recorded on tapes before being sent to consumers together with the notebook containing the original predictions.
As previously stated, SukshmaNaadi forecasts are accessible for all twelve Bhavas or houses. The general Kaandam in Chapter 1 must be referred to since it is regarded the index and provides thorough and exact forecasts, beginning at the moment the customer’s leaf is tracked until the end of his life. As previously stated in the sixth chapter, this general Kanda simply identifies the proper leaf related to the customer.
The planetary placements of the nine planets are then discussed, and the specifics of the horoscope are cast and recorded in the Notebook, where the original forecasts are kept. This horoscope corresponds perfectly to the customer’s natal horoscope. However, the Naadi horoscope does not reveal the Lagna position or the balance of Dasa and Bhukthi periods. In certain situations, the lagna is also mentioned.
Please see the DasaBhukthi chapter for further information. The current Gochara position of the planets is then reviewed, and if there are any significant doshams or sins done in previous births, Shanthi and Deeksha, Kaandam are advised. This will be seen in the following chapter.
Following that, forecasts are offered from the moment the leaf is traced until the end of his life, encompassing all twelve bhava affects such as education, profession, marriage, health, children, profit and loss in profession, service, death, and so on. These forecasts are divided into several periods of his age (in Natal Astrology, it is DasaBhukthi wise), generally three years at a time, when events that will occur are studied in depth.
To atone for sins incurred in previous lives. According to Hindu Karma theory, the good or terrible acts we did in previous lives continue in the present life, causing us to experience good or negative effects in this life. If we have committed significant sins, we must genuinely repent and do specific Pariharas. We must face severe suffering unless we do this. It is true that we cannot escape the negative consequences of our actions, and we must suffer as a result of our mistakes in the past or present.
However, by doing the Pariharas, we can obtain some relief from our difficulties by protecting ourselves from the scorching heat and severe rain. It does not prevent pain, but it does lessen the degree and density of pain and difficulties. The Naadi truly believes and tells us that doing the prescribed Pariharas absolutely shields one from the consequences of past-life misdeeds or the temporary negative effects induced by Gochara effects of planetary movements in the present life. It’s a battle between fate and free will. Our forefathers thought that by developing virtues, eliminating on, and performing evil and good things, one might conquer fate through freewill or Buddhi.
Markandeya, the sage, was supposed to die at the age of 18. But, because of Lord Shiva’s gift that he would always be 18 years old, he evaded death by his great devotion to God Shiva and Purity in his thoughts. The Pariharams are only training grounds for us to educate our thoughts toward devotion to God, the generation of love, compassion, and the ability to be good to oneself and others. The SukshmaNaadi prescribes such Pariharams as pilgrimages to Holy temples of God and NavagrahaNayakas, offering Puja and Abhishekam, providing food and clothing to the poor and handicapped, providing food to birds such as crows, planting certain types of shade giving trees in public places and roads to provide shade, thus protecting them from the hot sun, and so on.
We can be certain that a person will be the most loved and happiest if he sincerely regrets his sins committed in the past or present life and vows, by performing these Pariharams, not to commit such sins in the present life and tries to be God fearing and leading a good life full of virtues, live for selfless service, giving help to fellow human beings. Nobody should ever consider causing damage to others. We would like to remind our clients that before doing the proposed Pariharas, they should grasp the true significance of the Pariharams as described above.
They should never do it in a ritualistic or methodical manner and then go on with their lives, making the same faults that have caused them to suffer today. The second reason for human suffering, as indicated by the SukshmaNaadi, is due to the Gochara effects or transitory transits of planets like as the 7-and-a-half-year Saturn phase, other planets transiting negative houses, and so on. To shield oneself from the deliberate actions of people who are envious of us, the Naadi advises doing specific ManthraJapas for a certain amount of time (one Mandalam, two Mandalam, etc.). Mandalam refers to 48 days) to the copper plate dedicated to Vedic Gods such as Shiva, Vishnu, Karthikeya, Lakshmi, Durga, and others, and wearing such Talismans on the body or doing Pujas in the house
The Naadi will explain what ManthraJapa is to be done in the name of which god, as well as what to do with ManthraJapachanted copper plate. It is important to note in this regard that the SukshmaNaadi never recommends retaliatory wicked ManthraJapas to well-known Vedic Gods or wearing or performing Pujas to Manthra recited copper plates or Talismans for the sole purpose of protecting oneself from the bad consequences of the evil doers. These Pariharas are only to be performed by those who have been instructed to do so in general chapter predictions.
Others are not required to take any action. Some people are advised to follow the corrective methods outlined in ShanthiKandam Chapter 13, while others are advised to consult both Shanthi and DeekshaKandam Chapters 13 and 14, depending on the severity of the Doshas or faults. Furthermore, the Shanthi Kanda Pariharams must be completed by the client himself.
Deeksha Kanda Pariharams can also be performed by the client with the help of Vedic Pundits who are well-versed in these Manthra Pujas. In such situations, we agree to do such Manthra Pujas through our Head Office in Vaithiswarankoil in exchange for payment of real charges.
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This is Naadi Astrology, prepared for the benefit of future generations by certain inspired mystic academics of the ancient past.
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9, Savadi Street, Sirkali Main Road (Near Sakthi Timber depot), Vaitheeswarankoil, Sirkali Taluk
Mayiladuthurai - 6098117
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